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Happy Day After Easter
Yeah!!!! Spring Break! Ok, well either late today or early tomorrow, I'm off to Montana!!!!! finally, after 2 years of procrastination of returning, i'm finally going to face up to some of my nightmareish fears. Also, i'm gunna get to ski! Or so we're planning on it. I'm going to have hecka fun! I've had fun so far on spring break............and I had Jelly Beans for Breakfast!!!!

First week of PP is over! It's been going hecka well! They've painted nana so she's half brown, which i guess is cool. cept i have a reoccuring hole in the leg, but my wonderful wife helps me with that. I once again have mental problems!! OH well, soon i'll surpress them again and everybody will once again beleive i'm normal! Ok, I've got hecka reading to do! I have to finish (and really start) the Red Badge of COurage. and i'm supposed to be almost done with Ch10 in All Quiet on the Western Front, but i'm half way through chapter 7! So yeah. that's all. I had a dream that three of the cats that live outside my house, one of whom i havn't seen in months, all had kittens and they were so cute!

Ok, Now is been a REALLY long time since i've updated, but here i go. 1 week till Peter Pan! I got the Nana Costurme yesterday! It's really hot and i can't see much but i love it! I stole a piece of scap of the dog fur and i've been petting it all day, i feel like Lennie from Of Mice and Men! I'm going to put a new picture up tonight but i havn't decided of what. And i'm going to start my MOVIE CRITIQUE. I'm trying to remember the movies i've seen this week, i'll write about them. Well that's all.

Wow, it's been a long time since i've updated. Ok, well here it goes. Got a new picture! yay, i saw the cover of TV giude and was awestruck at Michelle Kwan cause she's hecka pretty now. Ummmmm, oh, i saw some doggy fur lying around in the drama room!!!! That's always a very good sign! haha! I miss elf and mana a lot! Dern them, stupid Buckingham. but hey, i'm quite a bit jealous! school only a couple days a week and all the sleep you could ever want! oh well. Yeah, Milky ran away. :( sad sad sad sad. Brigitte steped on her and she got really scared and we havn't seen her since. That darn cat was always hanging around your feet. I've steeped on her before and Brigitte did on another occasion too. Let's have a moment of silence for the cute little kitty MIlky way............................................................

ok, my brother is up in Hayward right now and he was about to come home but he needed Bridge toll money so he was following my aunt to the bank (my aunt lives up there) The got to a stop light and a girl stoped behind them and then an old lady rearended that car making a chain reaction to the ladie's car, my brother's car, and then my aunt's car.
All of them, except my aunt, are pretty much screwed
My brother was driving without a licence and being taken in would be really bad for him.
the girl was in her parents car and they didn't even know that she was in hayward. THe parents had just recently got the car repainted.
and then the old woman was wearing a long coat or a rope or somthing like that sort of thing
and nothing else. so old woman was driving naked and rear ended all these cars!
i couldn't stop laughing for the longest time. it made me and my mom and my older sister just crack up.
Ok, yeah. About Nana. Well it all depends of it they rent the costume! If they do then whoever fits the costume will be Nana. I really hope they decided to make it because i really want to be Nana and i have a little cheering squad rooting for me to be that dog! Sarah keeps telling me that the web address doesn't work but i've tried it and it works! Gosh dern it! Ok, that's all.

Ok, here was my day today. I woke 15 minutes before i had to be on the bus. Grabed some clothes on, ran a comb through my hair, and brushed my teeth. I got to school (didn't do my HW for 1st period History again) and went to first. In 2nd we did a little proformance in which is was a Prince--sounds all right from there--named Prince S--now you see the catch--I got tons of laughs and it was all good like. 3rd period (I didn't do my HW in this class either but it's not like it matters, even the final wont move my grade up to an A) went as normal as any math class can go. I had skittles and a sprite for lunch (lunch of the champions i'm telling you) and then Jamelle gave me half of a 3Musketeer bar (I love those things). 4th period was cool cause i have a new mouth piece and ligature for my clarinet which i forgot to bring home. We played all pretty like. 5th sucked cause both Mana and Sarah weren't there cause they had a smat. our new teacher Miss Larson told us all one million things that we have to know for our final, completly breaking her promise that the final would only be on the stuff she tought us not anything that we were suposed to do with Mr. K. and then denying that she ever said that. 6th period english we had a sub (Mr. Baily) and he kept telling us that if we kept talking he would extend the time of silent reading but what he didn't realize is that no one in the class minds silent reading and most of us like it. so we allowed the ppl to keep talking. Rehersal for Pan was canceled today due to some emergency with bob and kin. It's pretty official for being unoffical that i am going to be Nana the Dog! If it becomes completly offical then this play is going to be like a hundred times more fun for me! We (the pirates) did however get to go learn the Captain Hook song with Mrs. G. That was fun. I took the bus home then ate then turned around and took the buses to Harbor Theatre. I was on the 5 by my self and the driver started talking to me about his teenage years in the Philapeans. It was awkward. But then i got off and saw Comedy of Errors!!!!!!!! It was amazingly cool!!!!!! Go Elf!!!!!! Go Cindy!!!!!!! Go Samatha!!!!!!! ok that's everybody i knew in tonights cast. Got to hang out with all those other Harbor ppl that i don't know after the show. Lily kept saying "Hi Q!" just to bring me back in the conversment. My mommy sucks so Elfy's mommy (who is so cool if she ever reads this) tooked me home even though Elf wasn't going back to her house. Then i came home and ate more and then sat down at the computer to update my site! so yeah!

Um, Well i havn't updated for a million years but even still I'm going to leave McKellen the Grey up there to show that i am too lazy to update my pictures. Hey, I've been married for over a month now! (and i still havn't bought the rings) Something weird happened today. I was in band, tuning my clarinet when Mr. Cambel tells me i'm flat. I'm never flat. My instrument put all the way together is right on. Still i decided to check out my instrument and tighten the reed when i realized that one of the screws is broken. So that's why i was flat in 4th period. my screws were more than lose they were broke! so i gots to go buy new one. Anyway. That's all.

Yup, new Picture up. I saw Lord of the Rings yesterday and it was awesome! Although I'm not as big of a fan as some of my friends (Elfy) i am rather found of this series that i resently started. I think...wait.. no i don't. Oh well. I'm stalling on writing more cause i don't know where i'm going. So, yeah, that's my update for 1/6/02!

It's my birthday and i'll go nuts if i want to!
Yeah i'm 16 today! I'm going to see Fellowship of the Rings tomorrow, Can't wait! ok that's all.

My lemon tree needs planting into the ground and not some pot (I'm so proud of that cute little tree) Ok Well school started and i guess it wasn't all bad, i mean, not having to see Mr. K again is certainly a plus. Now we've got Miss Larson. She's sort of like a Kindergarden teacher! She's a toothpick and very anal about ppl talking. Aw Man! i burnt the middle of my popcorn! Stupid microwave, yuk, now i have burnt popcorn taste in my mouth. I hate that. Ok, i'm gunna go and get a soda so my mouth can taste better!

Nothing too interesting about today except me trying to convice my mom that school starts on the 7th and not the 2nd! I am not looking forward to going back to school. All i can think of is 'How many days until Summer Break?' Well, *sigh* i don't know what else to write so that's all. I stayed up late last night to write for the first time in weeks, and then the computer froze and i lost it all. I didn't do much anyways. I thinking maybe of posting the first Chapter up so people can read it but i'm not sure yet

I have discovered an unwritten-untold-and unendorsed rule in the world of Santa Claus! From Dec 26 till Dec 31 you can legally be as Bad as you want. He starts his new list every year and ends it Christmas when he makes his final decision about who's naughty and who's nice. Well if Christmas is over and the new year hasn't started, then that seems to say that Santa will completly overlook this week! So go, all of you, and make sure you're not nice and do bad things! Moo-Ha-Ha. Ok, i'm done with that. Do you know what? Darn, i'm looking for someone who knows him. Ok well I was over at Jemelle's house last night (as i was saying in my explanation of the revealing picture of Cyc.) and after we watched a few movies we were watching the new show of the Justice League when suddenly it dawned on us that BatMan bought his way into the Justice League of America! Think for a moment, he has no super ability, he just has money. He BUYS his jets and cars, He BUYS his untility belt things, and so he probably BOUGHT his place among the super friends! He probably said, "Hey i'll fund you if you let me be a super hero!" so they said ,"Well you can't go far on a super hero's salary, so sure you can fund us." Oh the greed of the worlds super heros! i think i'm going to become a super villin right now (but only this week while santa isn't looking).

Well i have absolutly nothing to write for today except that I don't want to wrtie an esay on what i've learned in Mr. K's class because it would cause me to break one of the 10 commandments (you know the one that says Thou shalt not bare false witness) in order to get a farily good grade in the class. And that i don't want to go back to school in 6 days, nope i just wanna sit here in my PJ's and pratice my profession. (I wanna be a professional Bum!) oh yeah this is the life.

Merry Christmas!
Today is December 25, 2001! and i gots walkie talkies for christmas! (doest he walkie talkie dance) so now we can talk to elfy in 5th period (does the talk to elfy in 5th period dance) and chat amongst ourselves all the others (does the.... aw you get the picture) ok well Christmas is coolio like a mo fo this year, I didn't get more than usual this year or anything, it's just cool i don't know why. Ok so that's all, i'll have a new picture up at least my saturday, so Ginger gets a whole 2 weeks to herself oh well. Even though i'm not going to montana, my vacation is still going to be cool, cause i was talkin on my walkie talkie and suddenly a person said "Quinten?" and i said "yeah who is this" and it was Jennel from my 6th period class, she lives a couple of block away and i didn't even know. So we can talkie on our talkie talkies. I almost got my hair cut yesterday becuase my cousin is in an apprentaship program to become a Beautisian! she's so cool. well merry Christmas all!

Yesterday, i was walking back to the Santa set when i saw this guys with skunk hair!!!!!!!! I wanted to see it from the front so i followed him around the mall waiting for him to turn around. It was so funny. He never turned around so he never noticed i was following him. We have a actually Christmas Tree this year! wow For the second time in my life we're not using our fake one. Not like it matters. Stupid United Airlines President is playing the legal loop hole game to stop the machanics from going on strike So all of this isn't going to be resolved for another million monthes. I quickly working my way through the Hobbit! I need to finish soon so i can read Fellowship of the rings and then go see the movie. Eddie saw it and keeps trying to tell me stuff, grrrrrrr. Well, i have to eat dinner so that's all.

Welp, it's lookin like i'm not going to Man-tana. The people i was going to stay with are come to California for a while then going to Nebraska. SO i'll see em but i wont get to visit the grave site and such. I still could go because their daughter is home from College and will be staying in Montana. But i don't think i'm going to because it wouln't be the same. *sigh* ok i'm done for the day.

Crap I have two overdue Library books! Oh well, I'll take care of it tomorrow. Fellowship of the Rings came out today, too bad i'm only on page 70 of the Hobbit. Don't worry folks, i'll see it eventually. I'm surprised that people never tried to get to read these books before, i'm lovin them. It's streachin my mind to see Gandalf the Wizard killin Goblins with a sword. But i'll get used to Wizards with swords. In other news, yes i am a Yuppy pirate, but i know i'll have hecka fun anyways. Oh BTW, i'm married now. Me and Jami got married in 6th period today. It was so funny. I got the rings today even though i don't like the ones the 25 cent machine gave me, oh well, i think i'll buy new ones tomorrow and see if i get better ones. VACATION. I have to make plans to go to MAN-TANA (as Elfy would say) or it's just not going to happen. I'll call tomorrow as well as turn in library books, get better wedding rings, and go Christmas Shopping.
6 more days till Christmas? no, wait 5, i don't know, forget i mentioned it.

Yay! Tripod finally works again! I updated my pic of the week finally too. Guy call backs were never! grrr. I hope cast list goes up this week. Hey what do guys think if i got blonde highlights, brown lowlights, and then blue highlights? I don't know how Bob and Shadi would react considering nobody in Neverland has blue highlighs. Man, i don't know what to buy for christmas presents for anybody. You're all getting coal anyways! I need to contact Ronnie so i can go to Montana! I have her phone number somewhere. Hey i got a big X-men poster yesterday! heck yeah! Merry Christmas to all! and especially me! I like my life again! just thought i'd let yall know. i think i gave all my depression crap to my brother. I'm reading the Hobit and i finished to kill a Mocking Bird yesterday. Ok, well i'll update more tomorrow.

Well, the female call back list went up today, so that means the guys go up tomorrow. I just finished reading up to chapter23 in To Kill a Mockinbird. That takes up right up till after the court trail. Man, that was like a punch to the stomach. You can't just brush it off. Now i have to write 2 reading logs on it, i don't know what to write. It was good enough by itself, my stupid editorial would ruin it for me! Crap, there less than 15 days till Christmas. I need to do my shopping, i don't know what anybody wants. I don't even know what i want! I remember once, at my birthday party is like 2nd grade, two of my friends (bothed named Andrew) got me the same Ninja Turtle's toy. It was a snapping turtle from the 2nd movie. Then Andrew D. wanted to keep his because i now had two. So my best friend, Andrew J, went and beat him up. That was funny. I think Jimmy was there but he probably doesn't remeber. Man, my best friends aunt was online for like 3 seconds and i really wanted to talk to her (Montana plans and all) but she got off really quick. She doesn't know my sn so she didn't know i was on. This sadened me a little bit. Ok i have to go.

AHhhhhhh. None of you know just how much of my life is a teenaged drama. It sucks! Oh well. THe end of last year was great, the very begining of this year was cool, but now it's all just drama. And only half of it is at school! Crap, i have to work today at 5:30. Is it just me or do i work everyday? didn't think it was just me. Other people notice it? ok. I wish i was 5 again, when playing NInja turtles in my best friend's back yard was all that was important. I think that still is what's important just when we get older they take away our Turtles and make us attend school and work for like 12 hours a day. And if they lack hours, they fill it in with homework. So then you get all screwd up in you head and start killing people all because they took away the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! (The ninja turtles were teenagers but they didn't have drama problems! Just saving the world and all) I hate my life, it was cool just 3 or 4 weeks ago, but each day gets more stressful, and if my mother finds one more stupid excuse for why i can't go to Montana! i don't know! I AM going and that's that. if i have to hitchhike, i don't care. Stupid Family. My brain hurts all day from school, then i have to come home and they turn that brainache into a head ache. I think the first chance i get, i'm going to go buy some ninja turtles off ebay or somthing (Do they still make toys of them? I've seen kids with them) and go play in the grass of my back yard! so there! Screw the world, leave me to my own Ninja like devices!

Ok, well my mom desided since she didn't have anyway for me to get home from church before 2 o' clock that I didn't have to go. So it's 10:47 AM and i'm just sitting here on the comp. I had one of those dreams that were scarry because they were so reallistic last night, I'm still pondering it. *Are you pondering what I'm pondering?* I slept in my Village Idiotz shirt. AAG was so cool, I think that we should make a team! Like Mana, Adam, Elfy, Sarah, Me and whomever cause you need 5 guys and 5 girls. I went over to Jemello Yellow's house and didn't get a thing acomplished on our bridge, except that we're not going to make it out of pasta! lol. I think i'm just gunna grab a long 2x4 and say Ta-Dah! a bridge. I don't know, i think of something. I saw Sarah yesterday and I can't remember if I asked her about borrowing Fellowship of the Rings. Crap, oh well I guess i know Monday if she brings it or not. I don't wanta go to school tomorrow! man, why are weekends only 2 days long! I think school and weekends should be the same length. Or maybe like school every other day. So half the school goes Monday-Wednesday-Friday and the other half goes Tuesday-Thursady-Saturday and then every body gets Sunday off. It would solve our over-crowdedness problem. I need to find something to jabber about cause i'm pulling at straws.

Crap, No new episode of X-men Evolution! And i just found out this morning that i have to be at work at 4. BTW i'm Santa at the mall every Saturday Evening but i'm not supposed to start work till 5! I wonder what's up. Oh well. I have to get ahold of Jemelle so I can go over to her house and her sarah and I can build a bridge for Sarah's, Manda's, Ryan's, and my science class. STUPID MR. K!! in case you need explaining here it goes: His name is Mr. Lu except there's a k but it's silent! Mr. Luk! It might be cool except he's the dumbest teacher i've ever had, and that includes Mrs. Cutler's 8h grade History class, man was she dumb. But yeah, so instead of saying it right, you pronounce the only part that you're not supposedta! Ya see? Mr. K the horrible teacher. I'm still in my Pj's and I'm supposed to be watching Dorian, but i'm chatting on the computer instead! Maybe i should wait till the end of the day to update, cause then i'd have more to jabber about! i'll start that tomorrow. I have to get ahold of sarah too, she offered to let me borrow her Lord of the Rings book and i told her that i think we own a copy, but our copy is up in the loft and so i won't be able to reach it without taking everything down and then putting it all back up.

*Today is 60th anniversary of Pearl Harbor*
I need to get ahold of Jemelle and Sarah so we can figure out when we're going to build that god foresaken bridge and then when we're going to see Monsters Inc. Rob-oprea! That was our musical bank robbing in Drama today! It was really pathetic but oh well. I actually did my math homework today, and in class even! I'm so proud, but i think i just disqualified myself from Slacka-Deca, the do nothing Decathalon. Except no other club member is going to take the time and actually disqualify me, that's be too much work you see. We don't even know who the members are cause we'll never take the time to find out. Done with that rabit trail. Tiny conducted our band 4th period. No one respected him and everyone just talked. 5th period was annoying. I actually did my science review questions last night only to find out today that they were due yesterday. And then Mr. K told me to do the Question of the Days! I hate him. Then I was supposed to go to the bank and finially open a bank account so i could cash my pay checks that are piling up but instead i get in the car and find out i have to go to the hospital. Dorian got ahold of a package of ink refils for our ink jet computer and drank it all. So yeah, my day was kinda shot. I'm home now and i really want to write but Allie "needs the computer" and i have to find out what i'm doing tomorrow. Right now, all i have to look forward to is leaving for Montana the day after Christmas!

12/06/01 Today was okay. I found out my grades! Gots 3A's and 3B's. Yippy. I have almost no interest in school anymore. It's all just work. I like Drama 2nd period and sometimes 5th period Science cause i can yell "I hate this class Mr. K" and the teacher doesn't even speak english so he doesn't care. Peter Pan is coming up! yay! ok that's all for today!